Economy October 25, 2023 | 12:00 pm

Buy car in DR

Poultry producers ask for government assistance

Moca, DR.- Dozens of egg producers of Moca and Licey al Medio protested yesterday with a march through some streets and avenues of this municipality, demanding the central Government to come to their aid after assuring that with the closure of the border with Haiti, they have lost one billion pesos, while their businesses are silently going bankrupt.

With banners alluding to the crisis affecting the poultry sector due to the conflict with the neighboring country and with which they also demand that the authorities pay attention to their claims, the poultry farmers expressed their discomfort.

Before the tour that ended at the Plaza del Agricultor, egg producers participated in a mass at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, officiated by the priest Cristian Omar Canario, who also called on the authorities to listen to the claims of egg producers.

Manuel Escaño, president of the National Association of Egg Producers (Asohuevos), and Ambiorix Cabrera of the Association of Small and Medium Poultry Producers Moca-Licey (Approamoli) expressed that the situation they are currently experiencing is the mother of all crises that the sector has faced in recent times.

“As egg producers, we have not caused this unprecedented crisis that is endangering the existence of hundreds of our small and medium-sized producers organized in our institutions,” said Escaño, reading the document.

The poultry leaders explained that they have been selling eggs in farms for around RD$2.00, with the cost of production over RD$5.00, which aggravates their losses, which are around one billion pesos. “So far, we have not felt the support of the authorities, being marginalized, ignored, and mocked by a small group of producers who have tried to manage the present crisis to their advantage,” they said.

They maintained that the poultry sector is trying to sensitize the authorities so that they also support the small and medium producers through the purchase of the product through the Government’s social programs.

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joaquin lukoki
October 25, 2023 1:59 pm

Well, when I said that the descision to close the border was very short sighted… My guess is that they though by closing the border that Haitian will come crawling back begging for it to reopen… I keep saying that in the long run, the DR will lose

Last edited 11 months ago by joaquin lukoki
October 25, 2023 3:38 pm
Reply to  joaquin lukoki

It’s a win-lose situation. I see the border closure as a sacrifice that needed to be made. This will inevitably force the DR to be more strategic with trade alliances and not depend solely on just one market.

Last edited 11 months ago by DCamp21
Jo josh
October 25, 2023 4:04 pm
Reply to  DCamp21

True in the concept that do not rely on just one market but the issue is that what does the DR sell that other countries can not produce… If you watch carefully it is not oil, rare earth or uranium… It is basic food find everywhere else so it will be hard to break in New market

Jo josh
October 25, 2023 4:13 pm
Reply to  DCamp21

The big problem in all that is that Hispaniola Island is resource poor… nothing of value in it’s soil , it is not like African countries who has diamond, good, oil, coltant, uranium, gaz… (This is why you see African countries starting to wake up, and I bet you Africa is the next powerhouse, if your follow international need you see lot of things are happening in Africa). Hispaniola had none of that, only sub so hard to find new market

Daniel Baez
October 25, 2023 5:58 pm
Reply to  Jo josh

The third biggest open mine of gold in the world is in Dominican soil..

Jo josh
October 25, 2023 7:40 pm
Reply to  Daniel Baez

That’s good, it is not 3rd but 4th. Still good but the loss of what is being sold to Haiti is not something other countries has trouble getting elsewhere and that represent 3billions us dollar annually .

Talking about gold mine one big reserve has been found in haiti

October 26, 2023 4:42 pm
Reply to  Jo josh

History has shown us and proven time and time again that the countries with the most natural resources are not always the ones that succeed in the end, quite the opposite. Venezuela has the largest oil reserve in all of the Western Hemisphere and look at the current state of their country. Africa may have a vast wealth of resources like diamonds, oil, gas and rare minerals, but most of those countries are plagued with corruption, weak institutions and extremely poor governance, hence why they can never develop and eradicate poverty. The wealth and success of a country is NOT determined by the resources in its soil, but rather by its PEOPLE…

Last edited 11 months ago by DCamp21