Local June 4, 2024 | 3:01 pm

Duartiano Institute concerned by international community’s delay in Haiti crisis response

Santo Domingo.- Wilson Gómez Ramírez, president of the Duartiano Institute, expressed concern about the ongoing delays by the international community in addressing the crisis in Haiti. Despite announcements and agreements, concrete actions have been lacking while armed gangs maintain control of the territory.

During a floral offering commemorating the 160th anniversary of the death of patrician Ramón Matías Mella, Gómez Ramírez emphasized that the situation is exacerbated by the reluctance of these gangs to accept the announced armed mission from Kenya, which was agreed upon in March with the United Nations Organization (UN).

He pointed out that many deported Haitians return to the Dominican Republic within 48 hours, highlighting deficiencies in border control mechanisms. To address this, he suggested implementing rigorous biometric registration at all border crossings to enhance national security and prevent the entry of individuals with suspicious profiles or fugitives from Haitian justice.

Gómez Ramírez also advocated for increased economic, material, and moral support to the Ministry of Defense and the General Directorate of Immigration. He emphasized the need for adequate infrastructure in each border province, similar to that of the San Isidro Air Base, to ensure the dignity and safety of soldiers and immigration officials, as well as their families.

Furthermore, he called for a global diplomatic effort to present accurate historical content on Dominican-Haitian relations and underscore the legitimate claims of the Dominican people based on the 1929 Treaty.

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