Economy June 9, 2024 | 10:00 am

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Dominican Republic will be the country with the largest solar power generation by PepsiCo in Latin America

Santo Domingo—In the framework of World Environment Day, PepsiCo unveils a series of local solar energy initiatives in Central America and the Caribbean. These initiatives are part of its transformative vision, “Win with PepsiCo Positive (pep+),” the company’s comprehensive strategy to be increasingly sustainable throughout its value chain, putting people and the planet at the center.

In this region, PepsiCo began its journey of harnessing solar energy in 2019 and, to date, has managed to reduce nearly 49 thousand tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in its manufacturing and transportation activities, which is equivalent to the total CO2 emissions generated by approximately 10,500 cars during 365 days. Globally, the company’s goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by 75% by 2030. In Central America and the Caribbean, it has made 21% progress toward this goal through a comprehensive plan to reduce fuel use and use renewable energies, both in the company’s fleet and in its manufacturing facilities and logistics centers.

What actions are being taken in the area of solar energy?

The region’s most ambitious solar panel project is at the Caribbean Plant in the Dominican Republic, which has 2,667 panels that generate 62,000 kilowatts per month. This represents 20% of the plant’s total consumption. In the framework of Environment Day, 456 more panels will be inaugurated this June, making the Caribe Plant the site with PepsiCo’s largest solar energy generation in Latin America.

In Guatemala, the OMNIA distribution center in the municipality of Villa Nueva has installed 324 solar panels that partially supply energy for the site’s operation, achieving a savings of 37%, equivalent to 1,578.6 kWh per year.

On the other hand, in Guatemala’s capital, at the San Juan Plant, where well-known brands such as Lay’s, Tortrix, and Doritos are produced, local teams have found creative solutions to save energy at every opportunity. For example, employees’ cell phones are recharged at special stations that operate exclusively with solar energy.

Finally, different sustainability projects are connected innovatively to multiply their benefits in El Salvador and Honduras’ operations. Three rainwater harvesting systems operate thanks to the energy generated by solar panels in those same facilities.

“With PepsiCo Positive, we are transforming what we do and how we do it to ensure we generate positive change for the planet and people, while continuing to create smiles in every sip and every bite. As we mark World Environment Day, we reiterate our global commitment to reduce CO2 emissions and continue to design innovative solutions, large and small, that increase our daily use of renewable energy,” said José Bagnardi, General Manager for PepsiCo Foods in the Caribbean and Central America.

Pep+ creates long-term sustainable value and competitive advantage for PepsiCo and aims to transform the industry. It seeks to inspire and collaborate with other key players to foster social, environmental, and economic change. The strategy is based on three interconnected pillars: crops that restore the earth, a circular and inclusive value chain, and motivating people through its iconic brands to make choices that create more smiles for themselves and the planet.

“We see pep+ as the present and the future of our company and we are confident that sustainability is the best path for everyone,” concluded Bagnardi.

About PepsiCo

PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. In 2023, the company generated more than $91 billion in net revenues, driven by a food and beverage portfolio that includes Lay’s, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker and SodaStream, iconic brands that each generate more than $1 billion in estimated annual sales.

PepsiCo’s vision is to be the global leader in convenient beverages and foods by winning with pepsiCo+ (PepsiCo Positive), an end-to-end strategic transformation of its operations, with sustainability at its core. The company will drive growth and value while respecting the planet’s environmental limits and inspiring positive change for the world and people. For more information, visit [] and follow @PepsiCo on X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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Paul Tierney
June 10, 2024 8:31 am

It is fine PepsiCo is investing in solar energy as it is a better alternative to fossil fuels. ¿It would be convenient to know where this “Caribbean Plant” is located? ¿Are the panels incorporated into PepsiCo plant locations and/or at scattered developments? Almost as always stories like this are minimal, go into few details, details that would be of reading interest. The 5 W’s, who, what, when, where and why seem to be lacking from Dominican media.

Last edited 3 months ago by Paul Tierney
Gregory Ricker
June 11, 2024 3:23 am

Get rid of the motorcycles and noise pollution and have the police enforce traffic. Provide sidewalks and get rid of all the chairs on the beach so people can walk AND have people stop whistling and screaming so there is a shred of charm to the place. Civility comes with an educated society and industry comes with governmental integrity so the solar dream will probably get corrupted and die like all the other initiatives in the DR. Let’s try drinking water ??? Just an idea………

Navier Lopez
June 14, 2024 11:30 am
Reply to  Gregory Ricker

None of the things you listed at the start have any relevance on the project, and while corruption is an issue, there are other energy projects that have been running for years. It just sounds like you just don’t like the place.

Francisca r cuello
June 15, 2024 9:39 am
Reply to  Gregory Ricker

Civility comes when people stop judging others and making judgements on things that are personal perceptions. If having chairs at the beach and motorcycles are problematic to you perhaps the Dominican Republic is not the place for you. Leave the locals alone.

Gregory Dicker
June 15, 2024 10:16 am
Reply to  Gregory Ricker

Seems like someone’s upset a carribean country is becoming better then the us

Platano Frito
June 22, 2024 10:49 am

I would like to know about the resource management being applied to this company. Primarily a beverage company uses large volumes of water. In a country where drinking water is is not free and is paid for by the average citizen. Will Pepsico treat the natural resources of the country like free for all?. What cost will this company pay to use the resources available and who will benefit from it?. Will drinking water become less costly?, since it required to sustain life. Nestle is a primary example of what happens when government and big business collude unchecked at the detriment of the countries resources