Economy July 30, 2024 | 2:19 pm

Buy car in DR

Abinader: ‘No immediate need for a presidential plane’

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader stated that acquiring a presidential plane for attending international meetings is not currently a priority.

During “La Semanal,” Abinader explained that the administration has implemented cost-reduction measures with various suppliers and found that there is no immediate need for a presidential plane. He noted the availability of numerous direct flights to destinations like New York, including 20 flights between Santiago and Santo Domingo, and even more if Punta Cana is included. He emphasized the practicality of using commercial flights for now.

Abinader has been a strong advocate for improving Dominican aviation, prioritizing the continuous update of the legal and regulatory framework governing civil aviation. Additionally, his administration has introduced tax incentives for both national and international commercial aviation and signed an open skies agreement with the United States. This agreement aims to foster greater competition in commercial aviation, potentially lowering airfares between the two countries.

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Platano Frito
July 30, 2024 11:56 pm

How about a caribe tours bus pass?

July 31, 2024 8:54 pm

I’m impressed! Usually, politicians want fancy limos and private jets because they think they are incredibly important. He seems like a good president and a nice person. I think I’d enjoy having a beer with him.