Local August 28, 2024 | 11:06 am

Colombian woman loses legs in SUV accident

Illustrative image: Unsplash

La Altagracia, DR.- On Tuesday afternoon, María Salomé Castaño Valencia, a 33-year-old Colombian woman, lost both of her legs in a serious accident on Boulevard Turístico del Este, near the Cabeza de Toro traffic light in La Altagracia. Castaño Valencia was a passenger in a black Lexus SUV, which slipped, overturned, and collided with a safety railing. The impact caused the railing to penetrate the jeep door and sever her lower limbs.

Her traveling companion, Nelson Osvaldo Guerrero Amparo, an American national, was unharmed in the incident. The Lexus SUV, with license plate G050454, is currently being held at the General Directorate of Land Traffic Safety (Digesett) for further investigation.

Source: El Nuevo Diario

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August 28, 2024 12:05 pm

Terrible incident