Local August 30, 2024 | 10:58 am

Amnesty reiterates racism against Haitians in Dominican Republic

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Santo Domingo.- Amnesty International (AI) responded to Dominican Vice President Raquel Peña’s denial of racist immigration policies in the country, expressing disappointment that her remarks merely dismissed the evidence of mistreatment of Haitian citizens. AI stated that the evidence of such mistreatment, supported by testimonies, statistics, and images, cannot be ignored and criticized the government’s refusal to address these issues, which undermines public trust and harms those the state is meant to protect.

Ana Piquer, Amnesty’s Americas director, reiterated the call for the Dominican government to reform its immigration policies, urging it to address and rectify racist practices that violate human rights. This includes adhering to international obligations and domestic laws that prohibit the deportation of pregnant women and minors.

Vice President Peña had previously asserted that the country is merely defending its sovereignty and rejected claims of racist policies, insisting that international organizations should respect national policies. Her comments followed an Amnesty International statement urging President Luis Abinader to prioritize human rights and address alleged discriminatory practices affecting Haitians during his second term.

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August 30, 2024 11:12 am

If amnesty international continues with this nonsense to take in more Haitians. throw them out the country. Tell them to go to Haiti and build schools hospital and create jobs. The fighting is in the capital. Not the entire country. They can find room.

August 30, 2024 1:12 pm

Needs to be reasonable. Reward Haitians with Visas who are sending kids to college, working in construction and agriculture which benefit the country greatly and pay taxes. You cannot deport people without asking questions. Give them a path to integrate and gaining Visa’s. They will eventually become consumers and help grow economy if you create a road map.

John Smith
August 30, 2024 7:37 pm
Reply to  Jjwatts

Jjwatts, There is a established process to obtain a Dominican work visa and/or Residence. It is well understood that if you enter any country, without a proper visa, or without being a legal resident and/or citizen, you will run the risk of being deported. Which countries do you know that rewards with visas anyone that enters a country illegally?

August 30, 2024 8:18 pm
Reply to  Jjwatts

Reasonable go to a local a hospital or a school. We are being replaced with Haitians. Ae you nuts.

August 30, 2024 8:51 pm
Reply to  Jjwatts

You must be a Haitian.

August 30, 2024 5:11 pm

I’m so sick and tired of the sensationalist BS from this organization. Can we kick them out of the country already?!

September 1, 2024 5:41 pm

It’s not racism. It a deep distaste for illegal immigration of criminal animals. simple.

Platano Frito
September 3, 2024 12:31 am

jus soli