Local September 25, 2024 | 9:29 am

Migration Director denounces campaign to discredit Dominican Republic’s immigration efforts

Santo Domingo.- Venancio Alcántara, Director General of Migration, has condemned a disinformation campaign aimed at tarnishing the Dominican Republic and the Directorate General of Migration (DGM), allegedly led by certain individuals and NGOs. Alcántara stated that these groups are attempting to defame the country despite the DGM’s strict adherence to immigration laws.

Speaking at the International Congress on Government Integrity and Compliance, Alcántara emphasized the DGM’s efforts to detain and deport foreigners in irregular situations, particularly in areas like Higüey, where more than 500 foreigners were detained in a single day. He also criticized the hostile behavior of some foreigners who resist immigration enforcement, a stark contrast to other countries where such individuals are detained and deported without incident.

Alcántara further explained challenges in detaining illegal immigrants, especially in areas like Friusa, Bávaro, where many reside in private homes. He clarified that the DGM requires judicial authorization to enter private properties, which is why they focus on apprehensions in public spaces. Despite these challenges, Alcántara vowed that the DGM will continue its work, undeterred by attempts to discredit its efforts.

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September 25, 2024 1:21 pm

Saludos Señor Alcantara! Protect our beautiful Quisqueya from outside forces who have no right to stick their long noses in our business. Look what’s happening here in the U.S. and in Europe with illegal invaders. Don’t follow their lead! Que Dios bendiga La Patria!