Health September 28, 2024 | 9:00 am

Public Health reports a decrease in the incidence of diseases

Santo Domingo – The diseases under epidemiological surveillance in the Dominican Republic had low incidences in the last epidemiological week, 37 of the Ministry of Public Health.

According to the official institution, seven cases of dengue, seven of malaria, and four of leptospirosis were confirmed from September 8 to 14.

Meanwhile, there were no cases of coronavirus or suicidal behaviors that are reported in the bulletins.

In terms of mortality, the Public Health authorities reported 44 infant deaths and five maternal deaths.

During epidemiological week 37, 109 suspected cases and seven confirmed cases of malaria were reported, most of which reside in Greater Santo Domingo and San Juan. He points out that as of EW 37, 799 malaria cases have been confirmed in the country.

Leptospirosis, which to date has caused 31 deaths, in epidemiological week 37, 4 suspected cases were reported, and no confirmed cases were registered.

Suicidal behavior

During epidemiological week 37, no cases of suicidal attempts or behavior were reported, so our surveillance system remains vigilant to ensure the timely detection of any new cases.

It maintains that until EW 37-2024, 21 cases of this event had been reported. 57.1% (12/21) affected female sex in the age group 20 to 29, with 33.3% (7/21) of the cases.

The Ministry of Public Health’s report states that the distribution of cases by provinces of residence was 29% (6/21) in Santo Domingo, followed by 24% (5/21) in San Cristóbal and 19% (4/21) in San Juan. The Rodolfo de la Cruz Lora Hospital reported 33.3% of the cases.

Although no new cases have been reported this week, it is crucial to maintain vigilance in mental health.

The Ministry of Public Health is improving its efforts to improve early detection and support those at risk.

She says that it is essential to promote the importance of seeking help and accessing available resources for mental health to prevent suicide. To this end, the Contact Center “Take Care of Your Mental Health” is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week,

The Epidemiological Bulletin National Epidemiological Surveillance System/Unified Information System is a weekly publication published by the Ministry of Health through the General Directorate of Epidemiology (DGE).

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