Local October 9, 2024 | 3:13 pm

Construction sector warns of crisis due to mass deportations of Haitian workers

Santo Domingo.- The mass deportations of undocumented Haitians are raising alarms in the construction sector, as the Dominican Confederation of Micro, Small, and Medium Construction Companies (Copymecon) warns of a potential halt in operations. According to Elíseo Christopher, president of Copymecon, the industry heavily depends on Haitian labor, and if this workforce is lost, construction activities could come to a standstill.

Christopher argues that Haitian workers play a vital role in the country’s economic policies, making the government’s strict deportation measures a serious threat to the sector. He also criticizes the abruptness of these actions, suggesting that authorities should approach the issue with more caution.

The impact is already visible, with many Haitian workers refraining from reporting to job sites due to fear of being detained. Currently, over 90% of construction labor in the country consists of Haitian workers, underscoring the sector’s heavy reliance on this workforce.

Source: Noticias SIN

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October 9, 2024 4:53 pm

The mass deportations are a necessary deed, there’s just no way around it. While Haitians play a critical role in the construction and manual labor sector, it is simply unsustainable for DR to host such a large illegal migrant population. Public services are deteriorating because of Haitians consuming so much of the country’s resources which are meant to benefit Dominicans. It is suicide for DR to continue going down that path. Now that said, the government is gonna have to come up with ways to fill these jobs that immigrants are leaving behind. They have to create policies that OBLIGATE employers and companies to hire locals and pay them DECENT salaries with benefits as it ought to be. They need to put an to those mafias that benefit and enrich themselves with cheap Haitian slave labor.

Last edited 2 hours ago by DCamp21
bernie sierra
October 9, 2024 5:19 pm

This is one of the most stupid orders from the president. First he wants to take away the incentive for the construction sector and then deport the people who do most of the job. How is that a smart idea.