Local October 11, 2024 | 9:51 am

Mobile kitchens will be installed in the migration interdiction centers

Santo Domingo.- In response to the large-scale detention of illegal immigrants, the Dominican Republic’s General Directorate of Migration (DGM) and the Economic Dining Halls have partnered to install mobile kitchens at immigration interdiction centers. These kitchens aim to meet the increased demand for food due to ongoing operations to deport and repatriate 10,000 irregular migrants per week.

Vice Admiral Luis R. Lee Ballester, Director General of Immigration, emphasized that these mobile kitchens will ensure dignified treatment and respect for human rights, while also providing meals efficiently at the Haina detention center in San Cristóbal. Edgar Feliz, Director of the Economic Dining Halls, assured that no detainee or personnel would go without food, maintaining the quality and hygiene standards of the institution.

So far, over 13,703 illegal foreigners have been deported in October, with a total of 195,907 repatriations this year. The mobile kitchens will remain in place and be expanded to other immigration centers.

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Platino frito
October 11, 2024 10:18 am

HAHA more money. They use to work for food. Now they get it free. Who’s the dumbass that came up with this plan?. Imagine having 4-5 generations in this country since 1929 and now your own government tells you, you’re not a citizen. You’re in transit, to country you’ve never been to. If full retard had a flag, it would have Abinader’s face on it. I hear construction is slowing and food prices are on the rise. Shocker !!!!

Paul Tierney
October 11, 2024 11:46 am

The eyes of the Americas are on the RD. When the roundups of foreigners occur in the east a vast majority of the detained will end up in the local lockups usually over the weekends without food. Most will be released for favors. The remaining others will be forwarded for processing and ultimate deportation from immigration centers, the new locations for kitchens. The kitchens should also serve local lockups for all prisoners, not just foreigners.