Local October 26, 2024 | 9:05 am

Government delivers 700 apartments and works for more than $993 MM

Santo Domingo—Yesterday, the government delivered 700 apartments, built with a public-private investment of RD$895 million, and inaugurated the dining hall and the pavilion for officers and subalterns, built with $38 million and RD$60 million, respectively.

The acts were headed by President Luis Abinader, who also attended the inauguration of the Future Center in Cristo Rey and the Express Medical Center in San Isidro.

The 700 apartments are part of the first stage of the Real Ecological City Project of the National Plan of Happy Family Housing, which the Government is executing in Santo Domingo East.

The vice minister of Investment Projects of the Ministry of the Presidency, Camel Curi Lora, and Juan Antonio Bisonó, vice president of Constructora Bisonó, pondered the importance of this work.

He then inaugurated the refurbishment of the pavilion for Officers, Senior Admirals, and Subalterns of the naval base “27 de Febrero” and the dining room for officers and midshipmen of the Naval Academy “Vice Admiral César A. De Windt Lavandier,” works that were made with investments of RD$98 million and which are expected to improve the operational capacity and preparation of the members of these institutions.

President Abinader also led the inauguration of the Centro Futuro in Cristo Rey, which offered free technical training and was designed to promote the professional and technical development of young people and adults in collaboration with Altice, Infotep, Mescyt, Inaguja, and Cincinnatus Institute and which benefits hundreds of young people of limited resources.

He also attended the inauguration of the Express Medical Center in San Isidro, SDE, built with an investment of RD$1,000 million. The center will generate 300 direct jobs and 500 indirect jobs. After the ceremony, he toured the facilities, which are equipped with high-tech equipment and offer all medical services and specialist consultations.

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October 26, 2024 10:52 am

Why not give this people a trade or real job opportunities then give them hands out. The only reason the government gives out this handouts, is for their votes.