Local February 15, 2025 | 9:10 am

New pest arrives in the Dominican Republic, affects potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers

Constanza—A new pest has arrived in the Dominican Republic: the golden potato nematode. It can decimate that crop by 100% and attack tomato, eggplant, chili pepper, and some weed plantations in the same way.

Producers concerned about the damage this worm can cause reported it being detected in potato fields in Constanza in November.

With more than 25,000 species registered and no cure, it is the most dangerous in the world, say researchers. To prevent its spread, they recommend not taking planting material from Constanza to other areas of the country.

This pest can last more than 50 years in the soil without cultivation, and the farm that receives it cannot be planted again with potatoes.

The United States Department of Agriculture issued an alert for this pest without indicating it is in the Dominican Republic. Experts say that this country must notify the presence of the golden potato nematode or potato cyst nematode.


Potato cyst nematodes were detected in Idaho in 2006 and New York in 1941. According to the U.S. alert, these microscopic nematodes primarily affect potato family plants, including potato crops, tomatoes, and eggplants. They also affect some weeds.

Pests do not infect potato tubers. Instead, they infect the nutrient roots, where females latch on, feed, and become sedentary. Nematodes reproduce sexually. Males are attracted to females by a pheromone and may mate several times. Females form cysts containing 200 to 600 eggs.

Each year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) works with states to conduct a voluntary national inspection of potato nematodes to determine the distribution and degree of pest infection in their territory.

As a control measure, USDA-APHIS is cooperating with Idaho and New York to conduct current anti-malarial programs in each state.

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