Economy February 23, 2015 | 8:28 am

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Medina opens Beltway’s 1st span cost RD$5.17B

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina on Sunday cut the ribbon for the 70-kilometer first span of the Santo Domingo Beltway, which will link Boca Chica in the east with Haina in the west, built at a cost of more than RD$5.17 billion.

The Beltway’s span of 17.5 kilometers is the first of 26.3 open to traffic, which begins at Haina Port and ends 24 kilometers north on the Duarte Highway, near the regional market, Merca Santo Domingo.

Public Works minister Gonzalo Castillo said the Beltway, built by the group Compreica-Alba Sanchez, will cut the driving time which had taken 90 minutes to just 12 minutes.

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