Three major works open to traffic today
Santo Domingo.- Public Works will open to traffic anoverpass at de Gaulle corner Mella avenues, median improvements Núñez deCáceres Av. and on the Expreso Quinto Centenario, all three in Greater SantoDomingo
Ribbon-cutting for the de Gaulle overpass is set for 10am Friday,with a similar ceremony an hour later at Quinto Centenario, and concldude at Nuñezde Caceres.
“Public Works opens the overpass to facilitate traffic whilewe work on the expropriation and construction of marginal road for localtraffic,” the agency said.
It said the de Gaulle overpass will benefit thousands of Dominicanswho pass through the road every day, easing traffic, saving fuel, time, loweringcosts for motorists, a positive impact on the environment, and helps spurbusiness in those areas.
The works on Quinto Centenario include the reconstructionof more than 2 kilometers of sidewalks, rebuilt medians and shoulders andlateral and new landscaping.