Union leader does the president’s walk, and the workers’ talk
Santo Domingo.- Just two weeks afterpledging allegiance -and his vote- to re-elect president Danilo Medina, unionleader Rafael-Pepe-Abreu headed a press conference with a group of colleagues tovoice their demands to the various presidential candidates.
The union said their proposals seekto improve workers’ standard of living with policies to bolster competitivenessand promote decent and productive employment.
Accompanied by Gabriel del Rio, Jacobo Ramos and other labor leaders, Abreu said the candidates must seek a system forproductive activities based on a core, cluster, or bloc to benefit workers.
The unionists said they’ll continueto fight for fair and decent wages.
Del Rio also rebuffed management’scall to amend the Labor Code, noting that the unions won’t allow a setback toworkers’ benefits. "It will not happen because workers don’t agree,especially in the sense that they still demand that some workers’ gains bestricken, such as workplace benefits."