Economy July 14, 2016 | 9:25 am

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Govt. plants coffee, avocado trees to protect southern highlands

Guayabal.- The government has planted more than 630hectares of coffee and avocado plants in the village of Guayabal, southern Azuaprovince to expand the forest cover, protect natural resources and increaseproduction and income for hundreds of families.

Dominican Agrarian Institute (IAD) director Emilio Toribiomade the announcement, and said president Danilo Medina designated a monitoringcommittee during a surprise visit to Azua last Sunday.

“In the first stage 300 hectares of avocado and coffeetrees will be incorporated and 150 more in 2017, which will be planted in the farmerssettlement.

The official headed a meeting with hundreds of farmers fromthe villages of Arroyo Corozo, El Recodo, Tainos, Las Lagunitas, Miguel Martin,Los Naranjales and La Guana, and said the monitoring committee should prepareproposals to submit to Medina.

Toribio said the renovation of coffee plantations withtechnology will improve crop yields and ensure quality beans.

He said that this area is also suitable for squash, pigeonpeas, corn and kidney beans.

“The coffee and avocado plantations will protect La Cuevariver’s upper basin and Guayabal’s highlands,” Toribio said during theactivity, where the Agriculture Ministry delivered 500 supers to as many apiaristsof the village El Recodo to increase honey production.

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