Economy February 9, 2017 | 8:46 am

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Executive Branch tightens public spending controls

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina issued executive order 15-17 Wednesday forfulfilment and control of public spending and to ensure that suppliers are paidswiftly and smoothly.

This regulation will serve to "reduce some gray areas or gaps thatcould lead to irregularities that are not in keeping with the spirit of theestablished rules," said presidency minister Gustavo Montalvo.

“This decree will ensure that these gaps are closed and that all publicbodies carry out the processes with transparency, equalityof opportunities and freedom of competence."

"From now on, projects and hiring will only take place once thefunding has been approved and contracts are in force."

According to the decree, before conducting any purchasing or hiringprocess, each body must obtain a certificate from the General Budget Departmentwhich will confirm that these funds have been budgeted in order to carry outthe transaction, and once the purchasing contract is signed they must obtainanother certificate that guarantees the availablility of funds for thesepurposes.

The decree also states that the certificates must be published in thepurchasing websites so that the providers may confirm that the entity has thefunds available.

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