Medina, business leaders eye big plans for the north coast
Santo Domingo.-President Danilo Medina on Mon. met in the National Palace with business leaders from Playa Dorada, Puerto Plata, to discuss the north coast’s leading tourism destination.
Present in the meeting were Hoteles Hodelpa president Edmundo Aja and vice president José Hernández; developers Oscar Villanueva and Raúl Rizek and north region Tourism deputy minister Julio Almonte.
The hoteliers and developers unveiled their project Emotions Hodelpa,at Playa Dorada, being built at a cost of US$50 million. The all-Inclusive 475-room resort to be inaugurated in December features several restaurants, swimming pools, bars, spa, event salon and all the amenities expected of a luxury resort.
The hoteliers said they have an investment portfolio for the North Coast’s tourism sector, starting with the Emotions Hodelpa, to continue with other projects which they affirm will positively impact the destination.