Economy April 6, 2018 | 12:48 pm

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Puerto Rico looks to Dominican dollars to aid recovery

Luis Rivera M. second from left, Foreign minister Miguel Vargas, US Embassy Charge' de affaires Robert Copley

Santo Domingo.- Puerto Rico Secretary of State, Luis Rivera Marín, on Thurs. called on Dominican entrepreneurs to invest in their country, where Hurricane Maria caused severe damaged in Sept.

Rivera made the request at the launch of the Panel on Opportunities and Challenges of the Dominican Private Sector in Puerto Rico’s Economic Recovery, held in the Foreign Ministry.

The Puerto Rican official noted the current “great and new opportunities to develop initiatives that can suppose economic growth,” both for his country and for the Dominican Republic.

“Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic share the same challenges, the same opportunities, the same dreams and that’s why it’s up to us, both the Government of Puerto Rico and of the Dominican Republic to facilitate the process so that they (investors) continue creating jobs and economic development,” he said.

He invited entrepreneurs to “maximize” investment opportunities to help Puerto Rico, which he stressed that last year suffered one of the worst hurricanes that have devastated the Caribbean in recent years.

“In the area of ​​energy, agriculture, trade open opportunities for Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, as always, we join in our aspirations and encourage investment and the creation of jobs and better living conditions,” he said.

Official data set at US$95.0 billion the damages from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, where 64 people died.

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