Laguna Gri Gri shanty. Rio San Juan
Santo Domingo.- Catholic Youth Ministry coordinator, Luis Rosario, on Wed. urged the Govt. to start the cleanup of the riverbanks and the seashores as soon as possible, to prevent further contamination in those areas.
He said the lack of education, of a culture of cleanliness and an organized garbage collection has led to having to deal with the trash crisis along the capital’s coast today.
“What you have to look for are solutions and that’s a matter of State, because that problem isn’t solved if it’s not with public projects that make it possible then, first the human borders of the rivers and seas be cleared of human habitat. Here they wash trucks and cars in the rivers; that would be a scandal in other countries,” the priest said, quoted by Hoy.
Rosario recalled that during the tenures of president Joaquin Balaguer the clearings of the Ozama riverbank was begun, but the project was abandoned, “so today we are seeing the consequences.”
“The life of us all is what’s involved in this. We have to act now,” said the prelate at a summer camp where hundreds of children presented an exhibit with recyclable materials.