Amber Cove
Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic Hotels and Tourism Association (Asonahores) president Rafi Blanco said Fri. that the vaccination of hotel staff will be a process, while the implementation of the tourism sector protocols for Easter Week continues.
Blanco told Listín Diario that a national occupancy rate is projected for Easter that will be close to 43% of the total number of rooms, a 32.3% jump compared to February.
“This indicates a clear upward trend, corroborating the information we have from the issuing markets that we should begin to feel an increase in demand as a result of the successful vaccination processes, mainly in the United States, as well as in the Dominican Republic.”
Meanwhile, the president of the Association of Hotels and Tourism Projects of the East (Asoleste), Ernesto Veloz, assured that according to information from the Health Cabinet there is an expectation of starting the vaccination of hotel personnel, “a process that has already been coordinated to start when facilities are provided.”