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Local August 30, 2013 - 7:57 am

Literacy campaign reaches prisons

SantoDomingo.- More than three thousand prisoners in the country’s jails haveformally started learning to read and write as part of the “Quisqueya Learnswith You” National Literacy Campaign.

Thisextension of the campaign to the prison population is a joint initiativebetween the Attorney General’s Office and the ministries of the Presidency,Education and Higher Education, Science and Technology.

The programwas launched earlier this week during a ceremony at La Victoria jail, headed byPresidency Minster Gustavo Montalvo, who said that theselearning initiatives represented progress towards one of the government’sleading goals: universal access to education.

“Prisoners could not be left out of this peaceful revolutionfor education that is already underway. Their right to literacy is aslegitimate as that of any other citizen and denying them this would be asunfair as adding another sentence to the one they are already serving,”declared Montalvo.

The ceremony was attended by legislators, mayors andgovernment officials.