North Coast September 26, 2024 - 5:42 pm

“Puerto Plata Commitment” governance platform established

Puerto Plata, DR.- A new strategic governance platform, named the “Puerto Plata Commitment,” was officially launched this Thursday. The initiative, convened by Vice President Raquel Peña, brought together key stakeholders, including Minister of the Presidency José Ignacio Paliza and Administrative Minister of the Presidency Andrés Bautista, to discuss and prioritize the integral development of the province.

The “Puerto Plata Commitment” serves as a platform for dialogue and collaboration among business leaders, the church, and government officials. Its primary goal is to monitor key issues and ensure the sustained growth of the local economy.

Members of the platform include Birgitt Heinsen from the Puerto Plata Destination Tourism Cluster, Mileyka Brugal from the Puerto Plata Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Free Zone Corporation, César José de los Santos representing the Association of Owners of Hotels and Condominiums in Playa Dorada, Luis López from the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Sosúa and Cabarete, Carlos Rodolí from the Association of Hotels, Restaurants, and Tourism Companies of the North (ASHONORTE), Guillermo Pérez from the Construction Sector, Luis Caraballo from the Food and Beverage Sector, Juan de Jesús Tatis from the Intermunicipal Block for the Development of the Western Part of Puerto Plata (BIDEMO) and Monsignor Julio César Corniel, Bishop of the Diocese of Puerto Plata.

At the request of President Luis Abinader, this meeting provided a space to discuss pressing issues and follow up on previously identified needs. These include road infrastructure, traffic management, environmental protection of tourist areas, water supply and the revitalization of tourist zones.

This citizen-led initiative promotes an inclusive and participatory approach, where the involved institutions reach consensus that reflects the priorities of local residents. By creating a unified and agreed-upon agenda, decisions will be more representative of the province’s actual needs, ensuring greater effectiveness in governance.


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