Santo Domingo.- TheDominican Republic is South Florida´s fifth largest trading partner globallyand takes its share of Miami Customs District´s total of US$116.0 billion in internationaltrade last year.
The figure was revealedduring a business a conference of the Dominican International Business Tourism &Development Federation as part of Hispanic Heritage month in the US.
Miami-Dade County 12thdistrict commissioner Jose "Pepe" Diaz headed the event and lauded DominicanRepublic-Miami´s “great business,” with many Dominican residents and home ownersand retailers.
He said internationaltrade creates business opportunities for both countries. "That´s why Iinvite your organization to consider bringing a trade mission from theDominican Republic to Miami-Dade County.”
Federation presidentand founder Pedro Diaz Ballester cited the objectives and convenience of his organization´swork headed by Dominicans and Dominican-Americans, but among its members also figureAmericans, Hispanics and other nationalities, and from the most important areasof business, tourism and development.
Quoted, Diaz stressed Dominican Republic´s benefits for businesspurposes, especially those who enjoy its ambiance and attractions and a growingmarket for conferences, fairs, conventions and incentives at Bavaro-Punta Cana,Santo Domingo, Puerto Plata, Santiago, Juan Dolio, Bayahibe, and otherattractive areas on the advantages such as its eight international airports,among other factors.