Santo Domingo.-National Police chief Nelson Peguero on Thursday warned that motorcycles ridingtwo up will be stopped to check and verify that their papers are in order.
"We will be toughagainst those people that ride motorcycles with a passenger,” the official said,affirming that the police will profile the bikers to avoid inconvenience tocitizens who use that transport to get to work or other commitments."
After meeting withpolice commanders assigned to Greater Santo Domingo, Peguero warnedmotorcyclists to have all documents in order, "and obviously that they arenot fake to avoid arrest."
He said the streets belongto the police, not the criminals "and now even more that everyone knowsthat when an offense is committed we catch those responsible in a short time."
The police chief respondedto Thursday´s Listin Diario editorial entitled "We must confront the motorizedmurderers," which proposes a special operation against the criminals whocommit felonies with motorcycles.