World June 16, 2016 - 10:26 am

Greenpeace France energy campaigner, Cyrille Cormier, said:

Paris, 16 June 2016.– A briefing on anomalies and suspectedfalsifications by Areva based on findings at the group’s Creusot Forge site wastoday published by Greenpeace France. The briefing also presents anon-exhaustive list of nuclear power stations around the world which may beaffected. The briefing highlights a pressing need for independent inspectionprocedures and safety tests for every suspected part. Greenpeace France demandsthe immediate suspension of affected nuclear operations until all theseinspections are carried out.

This list, drawn up by Greenpeace France, is based onpublic and non-public information. The findings make clear that in a dozencountries at least, reactors in Europe and around the world are equipped withparts manufactured at Creusot and therefore potentially affected by anomalies orthe suspected falsifications.

To ensure complete transparency, Greenpeace France asks thatthis list of parts, along with detailed information about incriminateddocuments and the nature of the irregularities, omissions or modifications, bemade public.

This detailed list must be released to the Frenchauthorities, the public and to the authorities and the public of each countryconcerned. Each country’s safety authorities and regulators must be able todecide how to audit stations which use parts that were machined at the Creusotsite and on any action to be taken.

Operations must be suspended so that the quality and safetyof these parts can be confirmed

Since the incident was made public, France’s EnvironmentMinister, Ségolène Royal, Areva, and recently EDF, have quickly minimised theimpact of the revelations by saying that “there are no mechanical problems withthe parts“EDF and Areva can’t be both judge and jury in their owncase! The true quality of the parts cannot be guaranteed without carrying outindependent inspections —under the ASN’s supervision — of the documents and, ifnecessary, of the parts themselves.”

Once the list of concerned facilities is published,Greenpeace France asks that operations be halted immediately to identify anynecessary inspections and additional evidence that may be required. The reportreviews two examples abroad in which reactors were stopped to performinspections. This is an essential measure to remove any doubt as to the qualityof every incriminated part.

The potential falsifications and anomalies call intoquestion the quality of identified parts and are a major safety risk becausethe parts involved are large components which are essential to operating thereactors: components in vessels, which contain nuclear fuel in lids, inpressurisers, which maintain pressure in the primary system and in the heads insteam generators, which evacuate heat to the secondary circuit, among others.

In the case of the EPR vessel in Flamanville, initialinspections carried out on a head similar to those in place revealed theproblem which Areva claimed it had under control thanks to its manufacturingand quality control system.

“We cannot bury our heads in the sand with a problem ofthis scope! Nuclear safety is at stake: carrying out inspections is crucial,”concluded Cormier.


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