New York, NY – Today, State Senate Democratic ConferenceLeader Andrea Stewart-Cousins threw her support behind State Senator AdrianoEspaillat in the race for Congress in New York’s 13th District. The endorsementfrom the Senate’s Democratic Leader is the latest sign of Senator Espaillat’sgrowing strength as the campaign enters the home stretch.
In her endorsement, Senator Stewart-Cousins praisedEspaillat for his leadership on affordable housing. “Senator Espaillat has ledour conference in the fight for affordable housing. You can always count on himto put tenants first. I am proud to endorse Adriano for Congress, because Iknow he will work tirelessly to improve the lives of working and middle classNew Yorkers. We need his tenacity in Washington now more than ever to helpbreak the gridlock and deliver for those that need it most,” said SenateDemocratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins.
In accepting the endorsement, Senator Espaillat thankedSenator Stewart-Cousins and praised her leadership on behalf of working NewYorkers. “Senator Stewart-Cousins has always been a champion for working menand women across this state. Her historic tenure as Democratic Leader hashelped deliver historic gains to all New Yorkers. Our state is lucky to haveSenator Stewart-Cousins fighting for us, and I’m honored to have her support,” saidSenator Adriano Espaillat.
Leader Stewart-Cousins’ endorsement follows a string ofseveral elected leaders and labor unions backing the Espaillat campaign.Espaillat is supported by CWA Local 1101, Transport Workers Union Local 100,SEIU affiliate Workers United, and the Council of School Supervisors andAdministrators. Senator Espaillat has also received the endorsements of City CouncilSpeaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Bronx State Senators Jeff Klein and GustavoRivera, City Council Progressive Caucus Chair Antonio Reynoso, City CouncilMembers Ydanis Rodriguez, Mark Levine, and Ritchie Torres, Bronx StateAssemblymen Luis Sepúlveda and Victor Pichardo, and former United StatesAmbassador Julissa Reynoso.