The late Magaly Pineda
Santo Domingo.- The Magaly Pineda Feminist Forum on Wed. said they support the bill for the Penal Code submitted to the lower Chamber on Thursday, by deputy Magda Rodríguez, and signed by 40 lawmakers.
They said the spokesperson for the deputies of both the ruling party (PLD), and of the opposition party (PRM), support the decriminalization of abortion in three situations: When the life of pregnant women is at risk; when a fetus’ congenital malformations are incompatible with life, and when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.
“The absolute penalization of abortion is a condemnation for women, especially for those living in poverty who are systematically denied timely and quality medical care, violating their rights, especially the right to life, health and integrity,” the Forum warned.
“Our rights, our lives aren’t a currency of exchange, or an uncomfortable issue in our country, is a national urgency. Not only because unsafe abortion is the third leading cause of maternal death; it’s especially urgent because we will not have a real Democratic State, as long as women cannot exercise our full citizenship,” it said.