Not much gas needed to visit Los Tres Ojos grottos near the capital.
Santo Domingo.- The Industry and Commerce Ministry on Fri. posted the fuel prices for the week from April 21 to 27, when premium gasoline will cost RD$240.30, up RD$3.00, while regular will cost RD$227.20, or RD$4.00 more per gallon.
Regular diesel will cost RD$186.50 and the optimum will cost RD$195.60, both RD$3.00 more per gallon.
Avtur will cost RD$146.90 per gallon and kerosene will cost RD$174.30, both increase RD$2.00 per gallon.
Fuel oil will cost RD$115.85, and propane gas will cost RD$113.30, both RD$3.00 higher per gallon.
Natural gas continues at RD$28.97 per cubic meter.
The Dominican Central Bank’s posted averaged exchange rate of RD$49.46 per dollar was used to calculate all fuel prices.