Maltese classical guitarist serenades British Chamber’s 30 years
Front seated: Margarita Copello, Simón Shembri. Detrás, Enrique Valdez, José Rodríguez, Chris Campbell, Fernando González Nicolás, Shona Hemingway, Roberto Herrera.
Santo Domingo, RD.- The Roundtable of Commonwealth Countries in the Dominican Republic and the Symphony Foundation hosted a recital by renowned classical guitarist from Mata, Simon Schembri, to mark the 30th anniversary of the British Chamber of Commerce (BRTICHAM), in the Dominican Republic.
The event with the famous international musician took place in the Regina Angelorum church, in Santo Domingo’s Colonial Zone.
Kicking off the event were Commonwealth Roundtable president Fernando González Nicolás, Symphony Foundation director Carmen Rita Malagón, Symphony Foundation presidents Margarita Copello, Britcham president José Rodríguez,a Great Britain and the ambassador Chris Campbell and Canada envoy Shona Hemingway.
Chamber members, business leaders, government officials, diplomats and classical guitar lovers attended the concert sponsored by Air Caraibe, Club Hemingway, Adriano Transport, Start, San Pedro de Macoris Power Company and Sheraton hotel.