In whirlwind meeting, labor is challenged to justify 30% wage hike

Santo Domingo.- In a meeting of less than one-hour, management challenged labor to justify their request for a 30% salary increase.
Jaime González, president of the Dominican employers grouped in Copardom, said to state their position, businesses need to know the reasons behind the workers’ demands.
But Gabriel del Rio, head of the union CASC, accuses management of resorting to delay tactics against increasing the minimum wages. “The attitude is common in the employer sector.”
CNUS Union leader Rafael –Pepe- Abreu and CNTD union president Jacobo Ramos, among others, represented labor and workers.
In the meeting held at the Labor Ministry’s National Wage Committee, Abreu said workers expect employers to ease management’s position stated last year, and to respect the need for a wage hike.