Economy February 3, 2015 | 4:15 pm

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Electric Pact should center on consumers: Power companies

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s power companies (ADIE) on Tuesday said the proposed Electricity Pact should center on service to consumers and be the "overseer" to ensure compliance with the agreed measures and projects.

ADIE executive vice president Milton Morrison said if the user doesn’t receive 24-7 quality and competitively-priced service, “it makes no sense sitting down to talk."

"Once reached the agreements are considered essential to create spaces for oversight to give the assurance that what is agreed can be fulfilled and not just left in a bunch of papers," Morrison said.

He listed ADIE’s four most important points, of the more than 20 discussed leading to the Electricity Pact. "First, supply 100 percent of demand, giving consumers 24 hours of electricity."

"A second step would be to expand the energy matrix based on a least-cost generation plan, transmission and distribution, which means looking onward toward the long-term needs and allow it to reach the kind of competitive generation in terms of price and technology, based on studies," the ADIE executive said.

Morrison said the 33% average energy losses in distribution and marketing must be lowered and "reduce and optimize" the Board of Directors and implement models from other entities he affirms have been effective.

"It’s been shown that between 95% and 96% of those who get a light bill pay. It’s true that the light bill in this country isn’t paid, the problem is the distributor’s (EDES) inability to install the meter and bill the customer," Morrison said, adding that ADIE’s fourth proposal "involve people,” making responsible and active consumers. "If we go into a discussion of interests, we will not find results."

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