Diesel, propane prices fall, gasoline, natural gas unchanged
Santo Domingo.- The Industry and Commerce Ministry on Friday announced lower fuel prices on some fuels for the week from July 11 to 17, when premium diesel will cost RD$171.10 and regular diesel RD$163.10, both down RD$2.10 per gallon.
Premium gasoline remains at RD$225.50 as well as regular gasoline at RD$205.10 per gallon.
Optimum diesel will cost RD$82.50 and avtur RD$117.70, both RD$2.20 lower per gallon; kerosene will cost RD$147.30, or RD$3.00 lower and fuel oil will cost RD$97.03, or RD$1.50 less per gallon.
Propane gas will cost RD$79.70 per gallon, or RD$2.00 lower, while natural stays at RD$29.44 per cubic meter.
The Central Bank’s posted average exchange rate of RD$44.97 per dollar was used to calculate fuel prices.