Economy July 29, 2015 | 10:20 am

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Canada Embassy offers Dominican Republic mining guide

Santo Domingo.- The Embassy of Canada recently released informative Handbook on Mining in the Dominican Republic in which explains how communities and residents where mining companies operate can benefit, from the scanning process until the extraction of the mineral resource concludes.

Ambassador Aladin Lagault d’Auteuil said the project was carried out 10 years ago in countries like Canada, Chile, Peru, Mexico and Guyana, which the Canadian embassy in the country adapted to Dominican laws and regulations, with brochures to be distributed in mining communities, including schools.

"The goal of the informative manual on mining and brochures, is to present the opportunities for communities and regulations and laws that apply to each stage of the mining cycle of medium and large metal mining in the Dominican Republic," the diplomat said.

He said a kit with five illustrated booklets will be taken to mining communities and schools looking to generate greater opportunities for people and promotes opportunities for open dialogue at the community, industry and state levels.

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