Economy August 12, 2015 | 9:34 am

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Medina lauds free zones, predicts ´great success´

Santo Domingo.- PresidentDanilo Medina on Tuesday congratulated free zone employers and workers bypredicting greatest success and reiterated government support them so theiroperations continue to grow.

In a statement tomark National FTZs Day today Wednesday, Medina thanked the more than 155,000 menand women for their work which generatesaround 300,000 jobs which provide a better quality of life for many people.

"The free zoneshave also become the ideal platform for the country´s competitive insertion tointernational trade. Through them the country has been positioned as one of theleading international suppliers of various world-class items, such as medicines,pharmaceutical and electronic products, textils, cigars, jewelry and shoes,"Medina said.

"We celebratethis day with joy and augur the best of success to free zone companies in theirbusiness plans."

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