The UN supports Dominican-Haiti border investment push

Santo Domingo.- The UnitedNations System in the Dominican Republic and Haiti will support the public-privateinitiative investment Quisqueya Economic Binational Council (CEBQ), to promotehuman development in border areas.
Dominican Republic businessleader Juan B. Vicini Lluberes
"The initiativeof the Binational Economic Council Quisqueya seeks inclusion and directparticipation of the community to contribute to human development of these communities,"said John B. Vicini, CEBQ member.
Dominican FernandoCapellann and Antoine Acra and Lucien Jean Ligonde of Haiti also promote the initiative,which UN System local coordinator Lorenzo Jimenez fr Luis called an importance public-privatepartnership which promotes human development.
"For us it is anopportunity to create synergies that allow us to build a new reality based onhuman development for the communities living in the border," Jimenez said.