Economy September 7, 2015 | 6:45 am

Buy car in DR

Protesters urge Tuesday gas boycott

Santo Domingo.- In protest at the high price ofgasoline, the Somos Pueblo (We are the People) movement is calling a Tuesdayboycott on fuel purchases. Spokeswoman Clarisa Gil explained that the ideabehind the “Don’t fill up on Tuesday!” (¡Martes no eches!) campaign was todemand that the government fulfill the laws and use the established formulasfor eliminating the factors that distort the hike in petroleum derivativeprices.

“This Tuesday we will hold a civic protest thatwill consist of an orderly march and convoy of vehicles that will start at10:00 a.m. at the intersection of Pedro Livio and Cedeño Duarte avenues and willcontinue through several of Santo Domingo’s main avenues,” she said.

Fellow activist Eduardo Sánchez added that theprotest would also invade the social networks and invited citizens to usehashtags #SomosPueblo and #MartesNoEchesand to retweet and share information on the actions that will be promoted as away of demanding a reduction in fuel and lubricant prices

“We arecalling on the public not to buy gas on Tuesday, because we are being robbed ofapproximately one billion pesos every single week,” he stated.

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