Economy September 11, 2015 | 7:52 am

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Dominican Govt. aims for a 2015 deficit ´of only 1.5%´

Santo Domingo.- TheGovernment of the Dominican Republic aims to close the year with a fiscal deficitof around 1.5% to 2% of GDP, much lower than projected, Presidency administrativeminister Jose Ramon Peralta affirmed Thursday.

Speaking to the youngbusiness leaders grouped in ANJE, the official said the Government has made progressin education, health, public safety, social security and major sectors as theresult of macroeconomic activity, such as tourism, foreign investment, theCentral Bank´s net international reserves and jobs.

He said theGovernment promotes sustainable development and asked the business leaders todiscard pessimism and work together to build the future.

Peralta stressed thecountry´s four-position advance in the Global Competitiveness Index 2014-2015,adding that the deficit ended at 6.6% of GDP in 2012, and "would beclosing with a deficit below 1.5% of GDP this year. This strengthens thesustainability of our external accounts."

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