Economy September 15, 2015 | 7:38 am

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Fires, illegal timber stun Dominican Republic´s lumber industry

Santo Domingo.- inresponse to the call from the associations of Industries (AIRD), and of FreeZones (Adozona) to exclude the timber companies from the Environment Ministry´stemporary ban on lumbering and transport from the wooded areas, ministerBautista Rojas pledged to discuss the topic.

"In due coursewe will refer to it," the official said who revealed that he´s already metwith the various entities that deal with the issue.

In a press conferenceat the Environment Ministry, Rojas also announced the Expo Refrigeration and ClimatizationFair, as well as traditional beach cleanup day.

The AIRD and Adozanarecently urged the government to exclude from the ban the trees from certified agro-forestryfarms.

Last week Adozona andAIRD stated concern over Environment Ministry Resolution 13-2015, citing lossesto farms created to supply wood for industries for their biomass-fired powerplants.

The AIRD warned that theEnvironment Ministry has since ordered stricter controls starting todayTuesday, and lift the ban on the cutting of trees in certified agroforestryfarms.

Seed of dispute

The dispute stemsfrom the effects the 12-month drought on the country´s forests, subjected tomass devastation from arson, charcoal-making and natural fires.

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