Cable car over Ozama river to save commuters 30%

Santo Domingo.- Thetechnicians in charge of the construction of the cable car across the capital´sOzama river on Sunday said commuters will save around 30 percent on transport inneighborhoods along the river banks and will have an economic impact.
Cable Car project directorJhanel Isa said the safe and dignified transport system will transform thesprawling barrio La Barquita, giving an opportunity to access “to historicallymarginalized groups living along the Ozama.”
Accompanied project generalcoordinator Patricia Cuevas, head of training Gisela Mejía, and Emil Rodriguez,of Urban Affairs, Isa said each car can carry 10 seated passengers along a 5-kilometerstretch with four stations: Gualey, Los Tres Brazos, Sabana Perdida and JacoboMajluta Av. “The air transport system by cables is the safest among all publictransport systems, which have reported no accidents in its operation.”