AES Dominicana, Dominican Utility train coal-fired plant staff

Santo Domingo.- Thepower company AES Dominicana and Dominican republic´s State-owned electricutility (CDEEE) jointly implemented a technical training program for staffworking at the Punta Catalina (south) power plants project.
The 720 hours of trainingwas provided at the Itabo 260 MW, coal-fired power plant, whose ownership issplit evenly by the State and AES Dominicana, to support engineers withknowledge transfer through internships in real-time operation at the facility.
"This jointeffort represents one of the most important initiatives to increase localcapacities in coal technology will be as necessary for the proper functioningof the energy platform which will be integrated into the system. We are proudto provide a platform for professional and personal development," said AESDominicana president Edwin De los Santos.
Utility CEO Ruben JimenezBichara thanked AES for its support and cooperation so that six of the engineersworking at Punta Catalina could undergo an internship in Itabo.
In a letter to AES, JimenezBichara said the technicians´ internship "serves as a starting point forthe technical and operational training of our employees who need to be preparedand have appropriate technical response to the next stages of important energyproject."
In a statement, AESDominicana said De los Santos reiterated a “willingness to continue this atmosphereof cooperation to promote the transfer of knowledge from a world class operatorand developer such as the AES Corporation.”