Economy October 20, 2015 | 9:03 am

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State-owned bank assets climb 9.2% to US$8.44B

Santo Domingo.- The State-ownedReservas bank´s total assets were RD$380.1 billion (US$8.44 billion) as of Septemberthis year, or RD$31.6 billion (9.1%) higher than in December 2014.

Reservas generalmanager Enrique Ramirez said the growth keeps it as the largest commercial bankin the system, with a 33.3% market share as of last August.

He said a RD$17.3 billionjump in loans accounted for the main increase in assets, or 7.5% compared withDecember 2014, for a total portfolio of RD$247.3 billion.

Interviewed after a massto mark Reservas´ 74th anniversary, Ramirez said loans to the private sectortotaled RD$188.8 billion, or RD$4.6 billion higher, compared to December 2014, forat total of 76.4% of gross loans, whereas loans to the public sector wereRD$58.5 billion.

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