Economy October 28, 2015 | 10:05 am

Buy car in DR

Traffic in the Dominican capital is a gauntlet

Santo Domingo.-Crossing the mere five kilometers known as the National District´s central polygoncan take as long as reaching the toll plaza 15 kilometers north on the DuarteHighway,

The capital´s nowcommon traffic jams in peak hours in recent months stress motorists, and haveinexplicably increased, since areas that once had heavy transit are virtuallyimpassable today.

As an example that the city´s East-West routes are unusually congested during peakhours.

The gauntlet

Driving west on the 27de Febrero Av. from Maximo Gomez Av. to La Privada street weekdays afternooncan take as long as 50 minutes, and it´s even worse on southbound avenues suchas the Lincoln, Churchill, Tiradentes, Ortega y Gasset, or Núñez de Cáceres.

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