Economy November 5, 2015 | 10:17 am

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Taxi drivers to protest Uber with strike

Santo Domingo.- Thehead of the powerful transport association -CONATRA- on Thursday warned that itsmembers will pull all their taxis from service, to protest Uber´s (UberX) entryto the market.

Antonio Marte said thegovernment seeks to displace the thousands of taxi drivers who service thecapital and other cities, which in his view will jeopardize president DaniloMedina´s reelection bid and candidates of the ruling party (PLD), because"we´re in an election year."

He cautioned that taxidrivers and their families account for a high number of votes in next year´spolls, for which "these people will not vote for a government which has strippedthem of their job."

Interviewed on AntenaLatina, Marte said the government should regulate Uber´s operations, "andreplace old cars with new ones because that was the deal we made. They (the government)also have our money."

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