US Envoy to speak at AMCHAMDR Thanksgiving luncheon

Santo Domingo.- The American Chamber of Commerce ofthe Dominican Republic will host a Thanksgiving luncheon in the Hotel Embajadorat 12:30pm on Nov. 25, to mark its 92nd anniversary.
US ambassador James W. Brewster will be guest of honorand speaker, with the topic "The United States and the Dominican Republic:Partners in a competitive world."
As part of the activity will be held the awardsceremony for the 3rd annual Best Practices Awards in CSR, whichseeks to sensitize, mobilize and recognize private sector initiatives of any breadthon the inclusion of CSR strategies within corporate strategy as an additional contributionto achieve competitiveness and development.
The nominated companies presented initiatives in thecategories of education, business-community relationships, good environmentalperformance and quality of life in the company.
“AMCHAMDR selected a group ofnational and international jurors for the initiatives to evaluate and take intoaccount the criteria of relevance, results, alliances-building, strategic alliance,sustainable management, replication and innovation," the organization said in a statement.
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