Economy November 18, 2015 | 9:21 am

Buy car in DR

US$40.0M meat-processing plant the ´Caribbean´s biggest´

La Vega, Dominican Republic.-President Danilo Medina on Tuesday headed ribbon-cutting for the the CarnicaIndustria Nacional (Incarna), a plant which the company affirms creates 600direct jobs and 2,000 indirect ones, built at a cost of RD$1.8 billion (US$40.0million).

In his keynote speech agrobusiness leader and Incarna president Wilfredo Bautista Garcia called the facilitythe Caribbean´s most complete and modern of its kind, which will revolutionizethe operations of the sector and will impact positively on the development ofthe Dominican countryside and in strengthening the meat market.”

He stressed that theinvestment results from its promoters´ confidence in the country and is in keepingwith Government priorities since it creates jobs, develops farmlands and spurslocal investment.

Several officials andIncarna executives accompanied Medina in the event held at the plant located inthe Duarte highway, around five kilometers east of La Vega.

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