Presidency gathers private, official entities to boost exports

Sano Domingo.-Presidency chief of staff Gustavo Montalvo on Sunday headed the second meetingof the Presidential Committee to Promot Exports, with various senior officialsand representatives of local business organizations, reports.
Montalvo said themeeting served to discuss and respond to ideas and applications by privateassociations and other requests submitted during the first meeting. "Tocreate jobs our economy needs to grow, and to grow we have to go out andcompete in international markets, to compete with the best of our soil and ourwork."
He said the exportsector must be one of the pillars of economic development with severalopportunities for public-private dialogue to decide how to boost the sector´s greatestpotential together.
The official said theparties agreed to meet again mid-January, to review the work done thus far and writea first draft of the newly formed technical team
Among the entities whichsubmitted proposals and advances figure the Agriculture and Industry and Commerceministries, PROINDUSTRIA, Internal Taxes and Customs agencies, INFOTEP and the DominicanRepublic Export and Investment Center-CEI-RD.