Christmas US$1.7B+ boosts Dominican economy in Dec.

Santo Domingo.- Morethan RD$80.0 billion (US$1.7 billion) will circulate in the Dominican economy inDecember as the result of the Christmas bonus for workers of the public and allprivate, formal and informal sectors.
The Government will contributeRD$11.6 billion of the figure to pay the government workers what´s known widelyas the 13th salary, the National Treasury said, quoted
The private sector pitchesin RD$58.5 billion; RD$5.3 billion of which is for municipal workers and aroundRD$6.0 billion for the informal sector.
The latter figures arefrom a study by the Santo Domingo State University (UASD), based on data by theSocial Security Treasury and the Budget Department´s budgetary execution.