Economy December 10, 2015 | 11:27 am

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Securities market trades jump US$9.0B to US$31.0B in 2015

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic´s securities market closed theyear with trades of around US$31.0 billion, a US$9.0 billion jump from, last year’sUS$22.0 billion.

Securities superintendentGabriel Castro said that growth accounts for 42% of GDP.

In a meeting with mediaexecutives, economy journalists and opinion leaders, Castro said the MortgageMarket Development and Trust Law enacted in 2011 has bolstered the securities market´sdevelopment during the last two years.

He said four brokeragehouses are already operating, while three new traders were approved Monday.

He also announced approvalof 11 investment fund managers in the last 18 months. "That’s why I talkabout how Law 89-11 has motorized this market. It took from 2003 to 2015 to havearound 24 brokerage houses; however, there are already have 11 investment fundmanagers in only a year-and-a half."

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