Economy January 8, 2016 | 11:13 am

Buy car in DR

All fuel prices frozen a 2nd straight week

Santo Domingo.– For thesecond straight week he Industry and Commerce Ministry has frozen all fuelprices from January 9 to 15, when premium gasoline will still cost RD$180.40and regular gasoline will sell for RD$162.90 per gallon.

Optimum diesel willcost RD$134.40; regular diesel remains at RD$123.50; avtur will cost RD$84.60;kerosene will cost RD$107.20, and fuel oil will cost RD$61.84 per gallon.

Propane gas will stillcost RD$78.80 per gallon, while natural gas remains unchanged at RD$24.22 percubic meter.

The Dominican RepublicCentral Bank’s average posted exchange rate of RD$45.62 per dollar was used tocalculate all fuel prices.

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